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Did you know that only you have the TOTAL power to prevent and reverse most of the diseases that affect us today?

My goal in life is to inspire others to become the healthiest versions of themselves. 

Live a life according to your design. Being health and epinutrition the key. I am here as a guide to share information, resources and some tips that will help you achieve your goals.

My permanent interest in learning about food and health motivated me to prepare myself academically and to acquire training in all areas of wellness such as nutrition, sports, health, dance and fitness.

I am here to share the best strategies to live longer and better. Every day, my work reaches more and more people around the world. But the best thing about my job is not success or recognition. They are the people I share my journey with every day, the amazing community that Wellness by Wilnur embraces.

You could imagine being guided through a simple step-by-step process so you can look better, feel better, live better and most importantly turn off disease genes, express your genes in health, correct your cellular imbalances in as little as 90 days using simple strategies that will take just a few minutes out of your day.

My approach is to not stop at counting calories, cut carbs, skip the fat, and go protein-only. It’s not about creating lists of restrictions or good and bad foods. Instead, I work with my clients to create a happy, healthy, and colorful life in a way that is safe, flexible, fun, and rewarding for you.