Holistic Coach

Wellness by wilnur

Discover your life purpose and connect with your true inner essence!

Holistic Coaching is directed to the perception of existential emptiness of us human beings, sometimes we do not know or simply forget what is our essence in this life. All this set of sensations we live when we do not have the connection between body, soul, mind and spirit. 

All this leads as a consequence that we do not develop our potential, we do not fight for our goals and we do not live a full and happy life.

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Give your life a total change by knowing your essence and balancing your body, soul, mind and spirit.

As your Holistic Coach, my goal is to find your wellbeing and address precisely this existential void by guiding you to awaken your consciousness and reconnect with your essence, with your heart to identify your possibilities and purpose in life.  In addition, we will develop your full potential through techniques of integral harmony between the functions of body, mind, soul and spirit. My holistic coaching is aimed at people who want an evolution in their state of spiritual awareness and achieve total connection with their inner self in order to achieve a full, energetic, peaceful, healthy and happy life. 

"Your body is the temple of nature and of the divine spirit. Keep it healthy; respect it; study it; grant it its rights." - Henry F. Amiel

Did you know that your being is made up of four dimensions: body, mind, soul and spirit?

Are you aware that your happiness depends on all four equally?






Negative thoughts

If you have a fit body but you have a mind full of negative thoughts, tired and our spirit is dull, empty and your soul without light, there is no balance and having balance between them is essential to achieve your full life in harmony. Become aware, knowledge is everything!


Take control of your life with courage and determination!

We will work with a personalized program where we will reinforce all those weak points and their needs. A method based on all my experiences and those of so many other people I have helped and who have managed to grow and transcend as integral and happy beings transforming their lives with harmony, having contact with their own reality and bringing to consciousness the information of talents and values that eliminate that attitude of victims.

Relaxation Practices

We will practice relaxation techniques to facilitate the path to body-mind healing through relaxation practices, meditations and guided visualizations.


Deep reflection as a unique element to elevate our spirit in order to experience peace and well-being.

Changes in thoughts

We will apply the technique of suggestion, to transform negative thoughts into positive thoughts.

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Coaching programs

These are not magic formulas but a coaching program that aims to bring the person to be in the here and now, to awaken and discover their spiritual consciousness, to harmonize their body and mind, thus initiating a process of transformation and healing that will lead them to live a full, happy and well being life. 


You will receive inspiration, support and motivation to achieve results in your overall health and wellness such as:

Improved physical health.

Stress and anxiety reduction.

Positive thinking.

Better control of emotions.

Better connection with your inner self.

Quality of energy and motivation.

Another level of spirituality.

Productivity and better relationships.

Lucidity and imagination.

Awareness and a better level of self-leadership.

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What results will you get?

With my sessions you will be able to:

your health needs and integral wellness in dimensions such as: body, mind and spirit, answering and analyzing the results of the “Dosha” test which serves to find out which is your dominant “Dosha”. 

We work with the three Doshas: VATA, PITTA and KAPHA. Each individual has a unique blend of these three energies. Some people are predominant in one while others are a mixture of two or more. 
You will obtain a wellness plan with goals that will guide you in your holistic transformation process.
You will expand in a holistic way your inner consciousness to identify concrete actions or tasks that will lead you to the achievement of your goals.
You will eliminate limiting blocks in your conscious mind.